Worrying about worries

I am a carefree individual. It’s just not in my nature to worry about things. During the brief time between going to school and landing my first job, I was mostly like “nah, it’ll be okay”, even to the days when I was literally completely broke. And, in my 20/20 defense, I was right. It’s currently pretty okay. :>

Anyway, I’ve come to the conclusion that one of the reasons for my carefree outlook is that my actual worries all land in between extremely unlikely to logically absurd.

These are kind of hard to explain, so bear with me.

My most frequent worry is about beggars. I just pass them and I never give any money to them, because a) they are scam artists and b) it’s 2013 and I haven’t had cash on me for seven years. My view on them is part of the problem; I always worry that the beggar that I just passed is a time travelled version of myself, and that the future beggar version of myself is severely disappointed with my current self because I couldn’t even spare (or have) some change.

(Yes, time travel.)

My worries about this then naturally slides into some questions; If future me actually can time travel, why does he/I travel back in time to prove a point to current me, since future me obviously know how I will react? Is it because I/he is testing the possibility of multiple timelines, or is it because my/his actions of doing this leads me into a butterfly effect spiral that eventually leads me to discover time travel?

tl;dr I worry about time travel.

I also worry about conspiracies and conspiracy theories. I worry that there is a meta-conspiracy; a conspiracy to create other conspiracy theories (the ones we know as “normal” conspiracies) to distract the conspiracy theorist tinfoils away from the actual conspiracy that is going on. From that, I naturally worry about the possibility that the meta conspiracy is actually a meta conspiracy in and of itself, as part of a meta-meta conspiracy that is designed to distract the meta-tinfoils that figure out the first level of meta conspiracies from the actual actual conspiracy going on.

As you can imagine, this can go pretty deep. It is quite possible that I will soon worry about the possible depths of it.

My third and last recurring worry is, meta enough, about worries. I worry that I don’t worry enough. Or rather, that I prioritize my worries poorly, letting them focus on time travel rather than actual real life issues. What if, by saturating my worries with silliness, I am not worried enough to make certain choices in life, and this will lead me down a suboptimal path in my life? Clearly and ironically, the only way I’ll ever know is if I invent time travel, which leads me back to worry number one.

At the end of the day, I usually remember something vitally important, and then my worries all go away.