The Internet is exciting again Nov 21, 2022 tl;dr - i have started to embrace the fediverse, and it gives warm fuzzy feelilngs Being left out and left behind Every now and again my friends and I try out a new game. They are usually the ones discovering the games, and then they loop me in if the game passes the litmus test of not being terrible. But, whenever I join, the others are usually a bit ahead of me. ...
What's in a name? Dec 07, 2021 People who traverse the gender spectrum face something most people won’t even consider; if you drastically change your presentation as a person - do you also change your name? If you’re assigned female at birth but are transitioning towards being male, will you be able to feel comfortable with the name you were given at birth? Most names are gendered, so the odds of them meshing with a changing gender expression are probably against you. ...
The human heart in conflict with itself Nov 01, 2021 > The only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself. This is a paraphrased quote by the American author William Faulkner from a speech he gave at the Nobel Banquet in 1950. I’ve never read any of his works, but authors I have read have used this quote as something that guides their way of writing. It’s also a quote I’ve had on my mind for a long time now. ...
Status Update: May 2021 May 25, 2021 So I did that Högskoleprovet thingy… …and it honestly went pretty well. I even wrote a little blurb about it just a few days afterwards. I showed it to a few people, and a non-zero amount of them thought it was real, so I refrained from actually posting it. Hopefully it’s obvious why. 😅 1 So yeah, contrary to the fiction above, I had a surprisingly composed day. Apart from having to run to the train - it was a few minutes early and I thought I was about to miss it - everything went really well. ...
My experiences with Högskoleprovet May 10, 2021 I wake up almost late It’s going to be a pretty big day. Had a hard time falling asleep, and I don’t really feel very rested. It was pretty hard to let go of the feeling that a lot is riding on getting a good score on Högskoleprovet. My only way in to the university education I want to get to - Psychology - is through this test. So, five tests over the course of almost eight hours. ...
Status Update: April 2021 Apr 15, 2021 When the spinning stops There’s something special to when an undesirable feeling goes away. Imagine that you’ve been in an older car for hours. On a highway, probably. It’s kinda noisy and kinda loud, but most of all - it’s vibrating. Shaking, almost. After a while, you don’t even notice it anymore. It’s just… there, and you’re accustomed to it. Once you reach your destination and you get out of the car, it goes away. ...
Status Update: March 2021 Mar 05, 2021 It’s a lot right now And I am not doing all too well. I really wish I could say that things are kinda good, but sadly that would be a lie. As I’m writing this, I’m on a train back home.1 I’m going to Mother’s cottage out in the woods, where I’ll stay for a week. Alone. Just me and the woods and a lot of wood that needs chopping. It’s sort of a mini-vacation - a palate cleanse of sorts. ...
2014 - Year of the Rollercoaster Jan 04, 2015 Like last year this is a pretty long post. It details what happened to me over the past year. This year had some downs, but luckily it also had a lot of ups. In the end I definitely came out on top, even though it looked bleak for a while! Let’s see what happened: I go to Belgium Prior to going to Belgium I had not left the country since December 2008 (/o\). ...
One year at Spotify Apr 04, 2014 It’s been a year. Exactly one year ago today, I finally aced the last part of a long interview process and finally got an offer to start working at Spotify. The journey since has been nothing but magical. It’s had it’s ups and downs for sure, but Spotify has overall made sure that the last twelve months were some of the best of my life. I’m so glad that I get to work at a company where I get to do really fun and challenging stuff on a daily basis; where all my colleagues are smarter than me in some way so I can learn something all the time; where they really care about you as a person and not only as a working drone; and where every skill you have can and will be honed. ...
Irony Mar 29, 2014 I love irony. Always have, always will. It’s by far my favorite type of humour, partly because it’s smart but isn’t necessarily pretentious; it requires some intelligence to understand, but can still be applied on most things. I even once started a community group for ironists, but after the five first joiners thought sarcasm was irony I closed it down. Think about that for a second. Irony is also constantly present in my life. ...