A month without meat

I’ve stopped eating meat. Since my 25th birthday, I am a pescetarian; a vegetarian that eats seafood. This past month has been great, and I have decided to keep this up!

I did this switch because of a couple of reasons. To sum them up:

  • Vegetarian dishes usually taste amazeballs better than other dishes because the taste is not focused on the meat. Some of my favorite things even before this decision are vegetarian anyway.
  • I usually feel better when I don’t eat meat. Especially pork-based dishes make me feel pretty bad in general. It’s kind of like a bad food coma, but in a different way.
  • I like the thought of a guided cuisine. Making me think about what I decide to eat usually leads me to eat better.
  • …and I wanted to see if I can do it, which it seems that I can. :D

So, it’s more about the effect what I eat have on me rather than, well, politics. I don’t think I have found any real negative parts either. At restaurants the selection has slimmed down a lot, but pretty much all places have fish, and some even have vegetarian stuff outright.

I am also pragmatic about it; if I am visiting someone and they offer me food, I will not alter it or leave parts out just because it is meat-based. There is also risk for the occasional hangover-bacon in the future, even though that has not happened yet. :>

This past month I have not done much new cooking for myself, but I am going to do more of that this coming winter month. If you’re used to this type of cuisine and have a few tips, please holler and I would be very happi hoers!

In unrelated news, I played some actual drums today for the first time in years! I jammed with my cousins band, and it felt awesome!

Lastly, in related news, my sushi consumption is currently through the roof, haha. ’tis good times. <3