One year at Spotify

It’s been a year. Exactly one year ago today, I finally aced the last part of a long interview process and finally got an offer to start working at Spotify. The journey since has been nothing but magical. It’s had it’s ups and downs for sure, but Spotify has overall made sure that the last twelve months were some of the best of my life.

I’m so glad that I get to work at a company where I get to do really fun and challenging stuff on a daily basis; where all my colleagues are smarter than me in some way so I can learn something all the time; where they really care about you as a person and not only as a working drone; and where every skill you have can and will be honed.

I could gush about the magic Kingdom of Spotifonia for an extended period time, but I don’t think that’s really necessary anymore. I’m really proud to be a part, especially since I know that I actively make a difference. I’m looking forward to writing more of these posts as time passes by.

It’s been fantastic, and I’m exceedingly excited to see what awesome stuff I’ll be a part of building and making in the coming year and onwards.

Four more years! Four more years! <3