I was invalid for three years Aug 27, 2013 I live about a 100 meters from the northern police headquarters in Stockholm. This is very useful when you need to do certain things, such as renew your passport. I did this today. The conversation with the passport clerk went something like this: “Hi, I’d like to renew my passport.” “Do you have identification?” “Absolutely!” *gives ID from wallet* “Sir, this ID is invalid.” “wat” “It was invalidated almost exactly three years ago when you reported it and your wallet missing. ...
The Scales of Estimation Aug 21, 2013 Developers create things. Most people know that. What only developers (and by extension, the people who manage developers) know is that developing is a constant struggle against the Scales of Estimation. Let me elaborate: whatever the current task is, a developer always has to ask herself; “What do I need to do and how much time will it cost me to do it properly?”. Properly is the keyword there. For any given task there are very different levels of done. ...
Technical details of this blog Aug 19, 2013 One of the reasons I never really started blogging was that I, as a developer, was too proud to use WordPress or any similar solution. If I was to have a blog, I would write one myself, damnit. How hard could it be? It’s not, really. But doing so is an undertaking, and undertakings are something I’ve been very good at avoiding. Ergo, blog never happened. Enter Jekyll. Jekyll is a blog engine written by Tom Preston-Werner, the dude that started GitHub. ...
...the blogging begins. Aug 14, 2013 A couple of years after this whole blogging trend has been getting kinda stale, I decided that it was high time for me to begin blogging. Wait, why? Why should I? There are enough blogs already! Personal reasons, of course! Firstly, because I miss it. I used to write, and I used to write a lot. But, when I left a certain part of my internets life behind, the writing stopped. ...