177 days of GitHub Mar 26, 2014 177 days ago I read a blog post about 177 days of GitHub. 177 days later, I am at my 177th day of GitHub contributions! The apprentice is now at the same level as the master, and as it seems I will surpass him and carry his legacy forward! It has been very interesting, and I’ve learned a lot about myself over the past six months, especially about my habits. I’m very proud over the fact that I have been doing this over almost half a year now. ...
The happy uncultured peasant Mar 23, 2014 Earlier this week, I heard that Banksy was having some kind of action or installation in Stockholm on this Sunday. Since it so happened that I was alone in the apartment, I figured that I would go take a look, especially since I’ve never been to something like it before. My walk there was very nice. The sun was shining, I had a Cornetto, and it was a 20 minute walk to get to where the happening was to be. ...
An unusually perfect Monday Jan 27, 2014 Mondays can be horrible. I think most, if not all of us, know that. They are usually that horrible segfault in our brain when we have to snap out of the coziness of being at ease on the weekend to go back to our work. To put it simply, Mondays usually suck harder than a black hole in a vacuum. Fortunately, mine did not. Not today. It actually didn’t even start today. ...
2013 - Year of the Doge Dec 27, 2013 This is a pretty long post. It details what happened to me over this past year. tl;dr it started awesomely, ended in hardships, but I don’t care because nothing can keep me down <3 New years eve At the very first seconds of 2013, I am with my friends down at Edsviken; the body of water near our apartment. Because of the water, we get a pretty good 360 view of all the fireworks going in northern Stockholm. ...
A month without meat Dec 01, 2013 I’ve stopped eating meat. Since my 25th birthday, I am a pescetarian; a vegetarian that eats seafood. This past month has been great, and I have decided to keep this up! I did this switch because of a couple of reasons. To sum them up: Vegetarian dishes usually taste amazeballs better than other dishes because the taste is not focused on the meat. Some of my favorite things even before this decision are vegetarian anyway. ...
The infernal eternal ringing Nov 25, 2013 I haven’t slept properly for about a week. This is because I had an accident. So, what happened? Two weeks ago there was a lot of chaos going on for trains in Stockholm. A train had derailed in Stockholms Södra, and this complicated a lot of things for all the non-derailed trains. During Thursday a colleague and I were going home. We were at the commuter train station in Karlberg, just waiting as per usual. ...
Best practices and when to avoid them? Oct 31, 2013 This is actually not a blog post. Well, it is, but it was written as the manuscript for a talk for the Stockholm Python User Group. Just as a little disclaimer before I start talking, this is not really a standard talk. This is the story about a talk that never happened, and it is almost more of a monologue that will hopefully inspire discussion. So, let me tell you how the hell this happened. ...
A Stream of Thoughts Oct 21, 2013 Onoes! The New Blog Syndrome struck again! A month has passed without me updating. Cue the obligatory post about why this is happening! This post is also a random collection of thoughts of things going on right now. Because of reasons. I’ve been out sick pretty much half of October. I don’t recommend it. I was one of the first to fall in the recent wave of late-fall colds, and in true man-with-a-cold fashion, I was practically entirely non-functional for the entire duration of my sickness. ...
Developer Naïveté Sep 24, 2013 “It can’t be that hard, can it?” When working with developers, it’s important to understand how they are thinking. When a developer says something like the line quoted above without any hints of sarcasm, she is usually met with disbelief and a reply in the lines of “yes it can”. Developers create things. Creators overall, not just developers, usually develop an abstract skill of thinking. This form of thinking allows one to go from a view of a problem to a suggested solution very quickly. ...
Worrying about worries Sep 10, 2013 I am a carefree individual. It’s just not in my nature to worry about things. During the brief time between going to school and landing my first job, I was mostly like “nah, it’ll be okay”, even to the days when I was literally completely broke. And, in my 20/20 defense, I was right. It’s currently pretty okay. :> Anyway, I’ve come to the conclusion that one of the reasons for my carefree outlook is that my actual worries all land in between extremely unlikely to logically absurd. ...